Thursday, March 1, 2007

ASP.NET enhancements debuted

ASP.NET enhancements debuted

Pasadena-based ASP.NET and SQL hosting company DiscountASP.NET introduced ASP.NET hosting enhancements targeted for developers with the launch of an on-demand application pool recycling tool and a real-time Web site stop/start tool. These new tools are additions to the IIS Management Tool Suite available in the DiscountASP.NET Control Panel.

The Application Pool Recycle Tool allows customers to shut down the process hosting their web application and spawn a new process. This tool is extremely useful to recycle a hung application, release locked files or databases, or to reset session variables. DiscountASP.NET hosts each web site in its own isolated application pool, so it can be used without affecting other customer sites. IT worker confidence plunges worker confidence among IT professionals fell substantially in August, as the sector's Hudson Employment Index dropped 9.4 points to 103.1 in August. Despite the decline, the latest reading is substantially higher than last August, when it registered 97.5. Based on responses from approximately 9,000 workers nationwide across all industries, the composite index rose one point to 102.9 in August.

The Hudson Index for IT workers also showed:
* After a record-high 21 percent of workers rated their finances as excellent in July, only 14 made that statement in August. There was also a five-point drop to 44 percent in the number of workers who said their financial situation was improving.
* Similarly, the number of workers expecting their employer to hire fell from a near record-high of 40 percent to 31 percent.
* While only one-quarter of the work force was concerned about job security in July, 28 percent shared that sentiment in August.

BrightCom gains IntelliNet contract Los Angeles integrated conferencing company BrightCom Inc. was selected as the Web conferencing vendor for IntelliNet, a provider of global network management services.
As a fully integrated "plug and play" network appliance, The Visual Collaboration System is optimized for hosting rich, interactive, live collaborative meetings via a Web browser.
BrightCom also said it had been selected as the video conferencing vendor for Medical Mutual of Ohio. Medical Mutual has over 1.5 million customers throughout the Midwest.

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